The Gagging Clause
In an effort to control those aspiring to be taught the techniques of
meditation, and particularly to effect a complete boycott of potential
criticism, Prem Rawat has sought to employ a legal device under US law that asks
individuals to sign away their First Amendment Rights, as would be protected
under the provision of Fair Use doctrine.
Terms and Conditions (clause # 2)
I also understand and agree that my purpose for accessing this website and
any related material is limited solely to my personal interest in Maharaji’s
Knowledge, and by agreeing, I expressly waive any rights I may believe I have in
terms of creating commentary, research, or any other "fair use" purposes.
A History of Suppression
Prem Rawat's organisation, now called Elan Vital, has a history of seeking to
inhibit free speech - as recently as 2003 attempts by lawyers Strook, Strook and
Navan, acting for Elan Vital [ see this
sought to remove critical information from the Internet - this attempt is
recorded at
Chilling Effects.
In 2004 Lawyers in London were sent on a 'fishing trip' to intimidate a
critic at his place of work, while New York legal firm
Wolff & Godin acted for
The Prem Rawat Foundation in a domain name case on which the adjudicator
"This kind of verbal horseplay by Complainant’s counsel in drafting
the operative Complaint is reprehensible and technically voids Complainant’s
certification that the Complaint is "complete and accurate."
The Australian Elan Vital was instrumental in the first and only known use of
an Anton Pillar gagging order against a journalist in November 2003. As long ago
as 1973 one of Prem Rawat senior followers attacked and nearly killed a
journalist who had been critical of Rawat.
Prem Rawat, an exercise in Hypocrisy
Particular irony attaches to Prem Rawat's disregard for the value of free
speech in the light of the strenuous efforts he has made to have himself
associated with the United Nations. In 2002 his Elan Vital organisation hired a
UN facility in Thailand, and arranged a private event at which Prem Rawat spoke
- this was then presented as Rawat speaking to the UN. In 2005 Prem Rawat spoke
to the privately run United Nations Association of Malaya - in subsequent
releases put out by The Prem Rawat Foundation this unofficial event was
presented as having official standing and invoked the name of the UN Secretary
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the UN in 1948 is
one of its most fundamental documents; the Terms of Rawat's TheKeys Project are
written in direct contravention of several aspects of the UDHR - notably
Articles 8, 18, 27 and 29, and particularly Article 19 :
Article 19.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right
includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive
and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of
The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights:
note* for legal discussion on First Amendment relevance see this
quoted case:
