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Dartmouth College DMS Student Government

IX.                    Words of Peace:

a.       Raj describes a TV series he has been personally sponsoring on the local cable access-  Words of Peace-  inspirational words and spiritual meditation from Prem Rawat.  This program is produced in Brazil and has been recipient of a  Brazilian national film award.  He has heard from several patients at DHMC and locals that they have appreciated the episodes.  He is asking for SG assistance in funding the series- $1000 from the Dean’s Enrichment Fund.

                                                               i.      Rocco asks if he has discussed the program with Dr. O’Donnell- as he is an excellent source of energy and ideas for funding

1.      Hai recommends the Dickey Center as another possible source of funding and help

2.      Raj will contact Dr. O’Donnell

                                                             ii.      Brian asks if there could be a hard copy of each episode available at the medical school?

                                                            iii.      Dana asks whether it is appropriate to fund a community service project with SG funds

1.      Nick notes that SG funding does help the Community Service Committee and that we routinely fund events such as the skits and Medstock that are aimed at fundraising for the community

2.      Garrett adds that the international appeal of this programming is unique

3.      Kathy asks how this is an international

4.      Raj responds that it is bringing an international flavor to the campus/community

5.      Rocco comments that more student involvement is needed- who will continue this project when you are gone?

6.      Nick asks how much funding  one new episode would cost?

a.       Raj states that it will cost $150.

b.      Nick proposes that we fund one episode at the cost of  $150 with the idea that Raj will approach other funding sources and work on finding partners in other classes.

c.       Motion seconded and approved with 1 nea.
